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What do you wish you knew about the Center and/or Fox Chapel before coming here?

I wish that I had known that we switched classes because I wouldn't have brought so many pencils etc. I also wished I had known that we switched differently in fourth grade and fifth grade.

I wish I knew who was going to be here on the 1st day of school so I wouldn't be so scared when I got here but now I aren't so scared and I have made so many friends.

I wish I knew how fun it was. Believe me. It is SUPER fun.

That there were awesome field trips, and that there would be awesome friends. I also wish I knew that the teachers were nice and youthful.

I wish I knew that 4th grade had a lot more homework and loads of projects and book reports.

I wish that I had known that we switched classes because I wouldn't have brought so many pencils etc. I also wished I had known that we switched differently in fourth grade and fifth grade.

I wish I knew that coming to Fox Chapel to go in the Center Program would be a learning experience for the future. In the Center I have had lots of learning experiences that could help me in the future so I wish I had knew this from the beginning so I could pay more attention to lessons outside of class.

I also wish I knew a little more about the kids who went here, it would've made it easier to make friends.

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